Workers Compesation & Rehabilitation

Functional Progress Note

This easy-to-read workers’ compensation approved, injury and job specific re-evaluation replaces a traditional musculoskeletal progress note and provides the treating physician with progress related specifically to the physical demands of their client’s job.


  • Provides the treating physician, case manager and employer with real time return-to-work abilities.
  • Assists the therapist in establishing return-to-work goals
  • Tests a client’s injury specific functional abilities related to the job’s essential functions
  • Ascertains a client’s ability to return to work on modified or full duty
  • Helps to determine when and if a patient requires work conditioning/hardening
  • Shows the exact percentage of improvement from progress note to progress note related to full duty work improvement


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Work Hardening/Conditioning Program

The Work Hardening/Conditioning Program is designed to comprehensively rehabilitate the injured worker to a physical level that allows full duty return-to-work.  Our approach provides a solid team effort involving the treating physician, employer, and the insurance representative to return the client to productive employment in a cost effective and efficient manner.


  • Highly structured, goal oriented, and individualized treatment program designed to promote a complete and cost-effective recovery
  • Reduced cost via communication with employer to design a full duty return-to-work program
  • Over 75% of the patients that successfully complete our program return to full duty work
  • Injured employees will be able to successfully perform the essential functions of their pre-injury job at discharge from our program


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Post Offer/Pre-Employment Testing

One of the biggest challenges of any successful business is the hiring process.  Candidates not only need to possess the personal and professional traits that fit with the company goals, but also may need to demonstrate physical or functional abilities that may be required for the job.

The first step is developing a job demands analysis (JDA) and listing essential functions of the job.  This is not only vital for the hiring process, but also if future employees become injured, medical providers and the employer know what functional or physical level the employee needs to return to in order to return to work.

Once the JDA is established, our therapists will work with the employer to design a legally defensible physical functional test potential candidates will take to make sure they are physically capable to perform the essential demands of the job.

Functional Discharge Summary

This quick workers’ compensation approved discharge summary provides the treating physician with objective functional evidence of a client’s readiness for return-to-work. These specialized reports outline a client’s specific functional abilities directly related to what the injured body part needs to do for full duty return-to-work.


  • Clearly outlines at discharge if the client can perform their full duty job
  • Shows the exact return to work progress throughout rehab
  • Objectively determines if a patient requires work condition following outpatient rehabilitation
  • Quickly returns injured workers back to work


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